Criteria for transfer or enrollment in the second study program
Transferring to Bachelor programs, or professional ones, or to Master programs is made in the same or similar study programs, by HEIs that have the respective licensed and accredited programs, within the same study cycle.
The application for a second study program in the first cycle Bachelor, either professional or in the second cycle Master programs, is made after the applicant has successfully completed the studies of the same cycle in an HEI that has licensed and accredited programs.
The applicant for transfer of studies or for enrollment in a second cycle of studies should not be attending another (second) study program at the same time.
Documentation for transfer to Bachelor and professional programs
For application for transfer to a program in the first cycle Bachelor, or in an integrated program of the second cycle, or in a program of professional character, the applicant submits the following documents:
1. Photocopy of Identity Card / Passport;
2. Lesson plan of the study program including syllabi of courses that the applicant has received with a passing or non-passing result;
3. Certification of the list of grades and credits for the courses developed in the first cycle program;
4. Notarized copy of High School Diploma + Grade Certificate; the applicant who has completed secondary education in that country before 2011, submits a notarized copy of the certificate of maturity, in the absence of a duplicate certified by DAR/ZA;
5. Deregistration certificate from the HEI;
6. Two photo documents;
7. Proof of payment for the application fee made at UniBa.
Supporting documentation for enrollment in a second Bachelor program and professional character
To apply for enrollment in a second program in the first cycle Bachelor, or in an integrated program of the second cycle, or in a program of professional character, the applicant submits the following documents:
1. Photocopy of Identity Card / Passport;
2. Curriculum of the study program including syllabi of courses that the applicant has received with a passing or non-passing result;
3. Certification of the list of grades and credits for the courses developed in the first cycle program;
4. Notarized copy of the State Matura Diploma + Grade Certificate; the applicant who has completed secondary education in the country before 2011, submits a notarized photocopy of the certificate of maturity, in the absence of a duplicate certified by DAR/ZA;
5. Two photo documents;
6. Proof of payment for the application fee made at UniBa.
Supporting documentation for transfer to Master programs
To apply for a transfer to a program in the second cycle Master, the applicant submits the following documents:
1. Photocopy of Identity Card / Passport;
2. Lesson Plan of the study program including syllabi of courses that the applicant has received with a passing or non-passing result;
3. Certification of the list of grades and credits for the courses in the second cycle program;
4. Notarized photocopy of the High School diploma + Certificate of grades, confirmed by DAR/ZA; Candidates who have completed high school beforedecree 876/2010 and 78/2006 must have a notarized copy of the Maturity Certificate, confirmed by DAR/ZA, in the absence of a duplicate certified by DAR/ZA;
5. Curriculum vitae - CV;
6. Certificate of deregistration from the HEI;
7. Two photo documents;
8. Proof of payment for the application fee made at UniBa.
Documentation enrollment in a second Master program
To apply for enrollment in a second program in the second cycle Master, the applicant submits the following documents:
1. Photocopy of Identity Card / Passport;
2. Notarized copy of the first cycle diploma, notarized / copy of the first cycle diploma completed abroad and the official document of recognition of the diploma in the Republic of Albania;
3. Certification of the list of grades and credits for the courses in the second cycle program;
4. Lesson Plan of the second cycle study program, including syllabi;
5. Notarized copy of High School diploma + Certificate of grades, confirmed by DAR/ZA; Candidates who completed high school before decree 876/2010 and 78/2006 must have a notarized copy of the Maturity Certificate, confirmed by DAR/ZA; in the absence of a duplicate certified by DAR/ZA;
6. Curriculum vitae - CV;
7. Two photo documents;
8. Proof of payment for the application fee made at UniBa.
#Transfer studies at Barleti University
Step 1 → The applicant submits the above mentioned transfer documentation to the Admission and Registration Office.
Step Two →The commission evaluates the applicant file and completes the credit equivalence process.
Step Three → The applicant is informed about the equivalence and recognition of credits by the Commission.
Step Four → The applicant, after accepting the equivalence of credits, deregisters from the HEI where he conducted his studies.
Step Five → The applicant submits the original Certificate of Deregistration to the Bachelor / Master Teaching Secretariat and closes the registration process.
Step Six → The applicant signs the Agreement with UniBa after completing the registration / study fee.
When can we transfer?
Admissions for enrollment as a transfer or in a second study program take place at the beginning of each academic year.
Process development deadlines are set by guideline from MAS.
For more information, please contact the Admissions and Registration Office:
Cel. 069 20 62 066 / 069 20 41 222
@ [email protected] / [email protected]