General Secretary is the highest executive and administrative official of the University, who is appointed by the Administrator of the institution. The Secretary cooperates with the Rector for effective administration at all levels of the University. He is responsible for all the issues that are not the competence of other bodies or leaders. The University Secretary is the head of the University administration.
General Secretary of the University has different duties and responsibilities. He assists the Administrator in the tasks and processes of daily work, as provided in normative legal and institutional acts. (He coordinates and supervises the progress of processes and administrative functions of the legal office; human resources; support services, infrastructure management, technologies and equipment on Campus, organizes and drafts the administrative part of the Institutional Evaluation Report and other similar reports, etc.) ; Coordinates the liaison processes between the Academic and Administrative Structure during accreditation, licensing, reorganization, etc.
Other details regarding the duties of General Secretary are reflected in the normative internal acts.
Barleti Group, which includes Barleti University, aims to create a quality institution of higher education and to be a development actor, which offers true values of professionalism and citizenship, as well as to prepare committed citizens.
To achieve its goals, Barleti Group pays special attention to administrative organization by creating a multi-dimensional model in support of the realization of the mission and the institutional vision.
In Barleti Group's administrative organization model, the position of General Secretary is planned as a key interconnectingposition that aims to oversee, coordinate and support the harmonious functioning of each other from the administrative point of view of the 5 pillars of Barleti Group, as well as other university structures such as academics and research.
Mbikëqyr dhe koordinon proceset ndërlidhëse mes Strukturës Akademike dhe Administrative në procese të ndryshme si akreditimet, licencimet, riorganizimet, etj.
Organizon administrimin e dokumentacionit të Protokoll – Arshivës.
Asiston Administratorin (e deleguar) në detyrat dhe proceset e punës së përditshme, siç parashikohet në aktet normative ligjore dhe institucionale.
Bashkëpunon dhe mbështet njësitë administrative si Administratorin e deleguar, Zyrën Ligjore, Zyrën e Burimeve Njerëzore, Zyrën e Vlerësimit të Performancës.
Mbështet organizimin dhe dokumentimin e mbledhjeve rutinë dhe të jashtëzakonshme të organeve kolegjiale institucionale si Rektorati, Bordi i Administrimit, Këshilli i Etikës dhe Shanseve të Barabarta, Komisioni i Sigurimit të Standardeve të Cilësisë, etj.
Sekretari i Përgjithshëm përzgjidhet duke marrë në konsideratë cilësi të rëndësishme dhe të nevojshme për këtë pozicion siç janë integriteti, lidershipi, aftësia për të bashkëpunuar dhe qëndrueshmëria.
Ky pozicion sjell natyrshëm edhe përgjegjësi të rëndësishme si konfidencialiteti dhe llogaridhënia.