The Rectorate is a governing group of the university, responsible for activities and tasks that are not part of other governing bodies. The Rectorate informs the Senate and the Assembly of Academic Staff on all matters relating to the present and future of UniBa development.
The Rectorate as a collegial body is led by the Rector and it consists of:
In addition to the functions provided by legislation in force, the Rectorate also has other functions such as, drafting a strategic plan for the development of the institution, based on proposals made by the main units of the institution and those of administrators. It also drafts the annual plan of academic, research activities, and follows their implementation after approval by the Senate. It drafts the detailed annual report of the institution and sends it to the Senate for approval; it drafts in advance the plans and curricula of the basic units that are approved by the Senate; it proposes to the Board of Administration the one-year budget draft in accordance with the medium-term strategy of the institution.