The relevant departments provide regularity, quality, and scientific evaluation of the teaching process. The professor, under the care of the department, performs daily preparations for the lessons, based on the subject syllabus of the subject, analyzed into the teaching calendar previously presented in the department.
The basic elements of the learning process are teaching and checking knowledge. Teaching is accomplished through formative activities (lectures, seminars, laboratories, etc.) Knowledge check is year-round process, made through tasks, projects, case studies, formation exams, diploma defense or final exam.
Teaching internships are organized in places and work centers where the student can benefit as much as possible; they are attended by the department and the center where the internship takes place, through coordinators, appointed by bilateral institutional agreements.
Lessons take place based on the course, group or subgroup of students who have started a certain course or program at the same time. Lectures are given on a course basis. The seminars are held based on the group which consists of no more than 25 students. Laboratory work, foreign language seminars and professional internships are all conducted on a subgroup basis with no more than 15 students.
The institution offers a wide range of teaching techniques that vary from the form of theoretically teaching to the way of implementation. Some of the teaching methods are seminars (teaching in small groups), individual leadership work, research seminars, exercise classes, classroom practice hours, problem solving sessions, laboratory lessons, experiment hours, work practices, distance or electronic learning, etc.
Teaching techniques include not only the work of the lecturer but also the learning activities required from the student. In addition to participating in lectures, reading books or scientific journals, other techniques include researching materials in the library, reviewing literature, posing problems given by the lecturer, conducting research with increasing difficulty, technical training exercises, essay writing. We can also mention collaboration with other students to write reports, prepare oral presentations (in groups or individually), constructively criticize the work of others and implement the criticisms of others, participate or lead meetings or teams, work continuously to fulfill mandatory deadlines, etc.
The methodology of testing and evaluation of professional and scientific knowledge and skills is based on the principle of continuous control. The final evaluation is the result of a combination of evaluation components. Assessment of knowledge is continuous and is performed through individual assignments, course assignments, projects, group assignments, written tests, oral tests, assessment evaluations, essays, semester or annual exams, formation exams and diploma.
The student's knowledge is checked in each case through the constant contact of the lecturer with the student as conversation, through tests or knowledge control sessions (announced or not).
In assessing student knowledge, the lecturer, as a rule, relies on the results of continuous control as well as on attending and active participation in lectures, seminars, exercises, practices, tests, quizzes, problems, creative work, essays, projects, simulations, works various, case studies, course assignments, etc.
Assessment tools are provided in the course syllabus and are reflected in the final course / module assessment sheet.
The academic process at Barleti University takes place according to the academic calendar. The teaching process has a duration of 30 consecutive teaching weeks. This period is divided into two semesters, with 15 teaching weeks each. The number of weekly teaching hours does not exceed 25 hours per week (lectures, seminars and laboratories, internships).
During the academic year, there are two regular exam sessions, one re-examination session and two limited re-examination sessions: The regular exam session, which is organized at the end of the semesters; Retest session, which is arranged on 10 - 30 September; for graduate students the re-examination session is organized before the date of the thesis defence. Limited winter and summer re-examination sessions are foreseen in the academic calendar. These are special sessions for carried over exams. Students must apply for these sessions and pay the relevant fee.
Teaching Secretariat that documents the academic process, prepares the calendar of lessons, the development schedule of the courses, and the registers of the teaching groups. It performs the classification of the completion of attendance for each subject and prepares the minutes of the exams. This secretary also serves to store and classify all student school documentation.
For more >> Academic Calendar - Barleti University
Barleti University has a rich academic life. The institution organizes various scientific conferences, seminars, open lectures, summer schools and many other important activities, nationally and internationally. In these activities, special attention is paid to the active participation of students and the selection of current topics of interest to them.
Applied and innovation research program at Barleti University is based on the principle of a higher education that meets international standards of quality, academic integrity and becomes a promoter of economic and social development of the country.
Through scientific research, Barleti University aims to emphasize the impact of the latter on society, politics, economics, environment, technology, etc. in the global world of research and its importance in educating the younger generation, students and young researchers.
Scientific research in UniBa is organized and developed in implementation of law No. 80/2015 "On Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania" by making the difference between basic research and applied research.
Basic research that aims to improve theories and understanding versus applied research that aims to solve everyday problems, the results of which have an immediate and practical effect.
The research program is based on four strategic objectives of the Education & Training 2020 framework for cooperation between European Union countries in the field of education and training:
1) Implementing lifelong learning and mobility;
2) Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;
3) Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship; AND
4) Increasing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
For more >> Research at Barleti University