For many years, UniBa has encouraged and developed systematic relationships with the industrial world, making its potential available for research and innovation. The methodologies and innovations generated by scientific and applied research, carried out in various scientific sectors present at UniBacan be transferred to the business environment through simple and fast procedures.
Knowledge transfer as the process through which individuals, organizations and societies acquire, strengthen and maintain skills to set and achieve their development objectives has capacity building as its starting point.
With the aim of capacity building, UniBa enriches its academic offer from year to year, building new basic and multidisciplinary study programs, in accordance with the demands of the labor market and the development of knowledge in the world. In this way, it develops new skills of scientific and professional expertise in the service of the requirements of institutions and public administration.
Technology transfer, as the process by which technology or knowledge developed in one country or for one purpose is used and exploited in another country or for another purpose, is another innovative approach of UniBa to other industries and operators.
UniBa has a positive availability to accomplish the transfer of technology and the philosophy of open innovation, so it strongly insists that the knowledge produced carry an important application element. For this purpose, UniBa examines the construction of the "unit", which promotes and supports innovation in implementation, from the initial patent, to the project and business plan, in the application of the enterprise, or in the commercialization of knowledge.