Departamenti i Shkencave Politike, i universitetit “Barleti”, ju fton të merni pjesë në Konferencën e Dytë Ndërkombëtare Shkencore mbi Demokracinë Pjesëmarrëse, të titulluar, “Participatory Democracy: Challenges to Good Governance and Rule of Law”
Të nderuar kolegë,
nëse ju keni një ide, të vetëm apo në bashkëpunim mes kolegësh, keni nisur një punim ose keni të gatshëm një prezantim mbi demokracinë pjesëmarrëse, Ju mirëpresim të prezantoni kontributin tuaj në konferencën që organizojmë në dt. 8 Tetor të këtij viti, në Universitetin “Barleti”, në Tiranë.
Prezantimi juaj do të publikohet në Revistën Shkencore”Gjeopolitika”Nr.11, sikundër u publikuan punimet e konferencës se edicionit të parë mbi demokracinë pjesëmarrëse e cila u zhvillua në muajin Qershor 2013. Publikimimet në Revistën Gjeopolitika janë me ISBN, dhe janë njohur në cdo institucion të kualifikimit për titujt akademik dhe shkencor jo vetëm në Republikën e Shqipërisë.
Publikimi i punimeve të konferencës do të bëhet në fillimin e vitit 2017, prandaj edhe prezantimet që do të bëni në Konferencë (jo më shumë se 15-20 minuta), mund ti dorëzoni të shkruara sipas formatit shkencor për publikim, deri në dt 30 Tetor 2016. Në ditën e prezantimit në Konferencë Ju, do të merni :Certifikatën mbi prezantimin në Konferencë”, si edhe “Librin e Abstrakteve”dhe në se dëshironi edhe një vertetim mbi prezantimin në Konferencë. Ju ftojmë të prezantoni idetë dhe gjetjet mbi cështjet e politikëbërjes, qeverisjes, hartimit, miratimit dhe zbatimit të ligjit, ekonomisë dhe financës, përdorimit të burimeve dhe produkteve natyrore, hartimit dhe përdorimit të buxheteve publike, jetës në komunitete sociale dhe profesionale si edhe vendimmarrjeve për administrimin e cdo qelize të veprimtarisë së shoqërisë sonë të cilat vuajnë nga një sëmundje e përbashkët, përqëndrimi i pushtetit.
Per me teper mbi thirrjen mund te lexoni ne materialet bashkelidhur.
Prof. Asoc. Reis Mulita, PhD
Scientific Coordinator of the Conference
Department of Politics
University "Barleti"
Rr. “ Sami Frasheri”, 41. Tiranë
T-mob: +355(0)6940 67 684
E-mail: [email protected]
Call for participation in the International Scientific Conference
Tirana, 08 October, 2016
Department of “Political Science” at “Barleti" University, Tirana
In Collaboration with:
“Barleti” Institute for Research and Development (BIRD)
Institute of Collaboration for Integration and Development (ICID)
Scientific Committee
Chair: Prof. Ass. Dr. Zamira ÇAVO
Members: Prof.Ass.Dr.Reis Mulita, Prof. Dr. Gezim Hadaj, Dr.Ilir Panda, Dr.Ledian Droboniku, Prof.Dr.Ylber Sela, Dr.Shpetim Cami.
Concentration of political power is considered as the “enemy” of democratic governance, market economy and freedoms in society, particularly in ex-communist countries. In such a reality universities and research institutions are recognised for their influence on policy directly, as well as indirectly, through the education of policy makers and society for shaping history.
“Barleti” University, is proud to announce it will be hosting the Second International Scientific Conference on Participatory Democracy. The event will be designed to share research findings, engage in meaningful discussions, learn from accomplishments and failures, and be inspired by innovative approaches, strategies, policies, tools and practices.
The conference will bring together academics, students, practitioners, researchers, appointed and elected public officials, teachers, administrators, members of community organizations, and all those interested in participatory democracy, public engagement and citizenship and education. The conference will combine academic presentations with practical workshops. Special attention is paid to the examination of emerging trends and innovative experiments around the world that are relevant to the realities of governance and public engagement in the contemporary society. The “Second Participatory Conference”, is devoted to undertake teaching, capacity building, research and dissemination experiences aimed at the study and promotion of participatory democracy initiatives, particularly across different levels of government. We are interested in attracting theoretical and empirical contributions that are related to the conference theme.
Theme of the Conference
The theme of the conference has an interdisciplinary character, focusing mainly but not limited to broad areas of politics, governance, communication, media, law, economy, culture, education, gender issues, youth, sociology, demography, regional, European and global development.
Many aspects of politics, governance, society, economy, and communication will be included in the agenda of the Conference.
Possible directions may include, but are not restricted to, the following issues:
Theoretical and practical issues in participatory governance;
Representative and participatory democracy; Principles, policies and programs;
Participatory democracy in transition democracies;
The role of political parties for the improvement of political democracy and governance;
Local governance, decentralization and political power;
The architecture of participatory governance: enabling structures and processes;
Governance as a public responsibility.Public officials and “public spaces”;
Dialogue and deliberation;
Open governance and transparency.Co-governance and self-governance;
Innovative approaches, tools and practices. Online participatory governance; E-democracy;
Evaluation of participatory democracy policies and programs;
The role of youth in regional society's future profile;
Political cooperation at the regional level - developmental perspective;
European governance model - a perspective from the Balkan countries;
Contemporary governance and the challenges of Balkan countries, in the face of Euro-Atlantic integration;
Governing through public participation in the Balkan region;
Economic resources and transparent governance;
Contemporary policies for the administration of the territory;
The role of public administration in country development;
The role of government in the decentralization processes as prerequisites for good governance;
Good governance and society welfare indicators;
The rule of law in democratic society;
Education and culture as enablers of collaborative governance at the regional level Cmmunity capacity building. Impact of citizenship education;
Public communication, Media and good governance;
The role of social networks, groups of professionals and interests in good governance;
Languages and communication across national borders;
Format of the conference:
The conference will be organized in plenary and special thematic sections. Plenary sessions of the Conference will take place the first part of the day and will be invited to speak some of the keynote speakers of the Conference, as well as high-level political representatives from the country and the region.
Thematic sections of the conference will be held the second day. Accepted presentations and papers will be organized according to the thematic panels.
Section I - Shaping policy making through participatory democracy;
Section II - Good governance through participatory democracy;
Section III - Institutionalizing actors and instruments for participatory democracy;
Section IV - Albania and region under European perspective;
Language of the conference:
- Language of the Conference will be English and Albanian.
- Conference organizers will provide translation for presentations.
Venue of the Conference
The conference will be held in Tirana, on the premises of the “Barleti” University, Campus Nr. 1. Address: Rruga “Sami Frasheri” Nr 41. Tirana,Albania.
Requirements for papers at the conference:
Accepted papers are expected to be delivered within 15 min.
Requests for publication of articles in the form of conference materials in the magazine "Geopolitics".
Articles must be from 8-10 double-spaced computer pages with at least 2200 words. The article should be accompanied by notes on the bottom of the page (footnotes) or at the end of the text (endnotes).
Each article must comply with Standard English language. The full paper must be sent as a Word document, accompanied by a summary (abstract) in English, as well as information about the author / authors, each no long than half a page. Other more details for publication of the selected papers will be sent to you, too.
Organizational Information:
To participate in the conference the paper presenters are requested to pay a fee of 50 Euro, which must be paid by 30 May 2016 in a given number of bank account.
The Conference participant must submit a proof of payment, sending a scanned copy of the document of the bank, or presenting it to the Finance Office.
Conference organizers will bear all related costs, including costs of publication of conference materials, conference rooms rent, coffee breaks and lunch during the conference, participants’ transportation to and from conference sites, translation, etc.
Participants residing abroad will bear the costs of travel and accommodations in Albania.
The Conference organizing committee will make available to conference participants who are residing abroad, a list of hotels and will provide assistance for booking according to the preferences of the participants.
Organizing Committee of the Conference
Prof. Ass. Dr. Reis Mulita
Fatjona Qurku, MSc
Eurona Leka. Drnt.
Erion Kristo, Drnt.
Xhuljeta Krasta, Drnt.
Coordinator of the Conference
Prof. Ass. Dr. Reis MULITA
For any uncertainty or further information, please contact us at:
E-mail: [email protected] Tel-mob: + 355 69 40 67684