- Memorandum of Understanding between Capital Normal University and Barleti University 2010
- Memorandum of Understanding between Cardiff University and Barleti University 2010
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Economics of the University of Udine - Italy and Barleti University 2010
- Memorandum of Understanding between Bournville College, Bristol Road South, North, Birmingham, B31 2AJ, United Kong and Marin Barleti University 2011
- Membership in the Central European Association for Management Development 2011
- Cooperation Letter - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Albania and Barleti University (UniBa) with the Albanian Institute for Public Affairs (AIPA)
- Memorandum of Understanding Clemson University and Barleti University 2011
- Implementation agreement between Barleti University and the National Institute of Architecture 2012
- License Agreement between the American Hotel & Housing Education Institute and Barleti University 2012
- Exchange Agreement between the University of Arkansas Public Service School and Marin Barleti University 2013
- Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the University “Rome Tre” and Barleti University 2013
- Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the Polytechnic of Bari (Poliba) and Barleti University 2013
- Erasmus + Inter-Institutional Agreement 2015-2016 between the institutions from the Program and Partner Countries, the Polytechnic of Bari and Barleti University
- Cooperation agreement between the Tourism Academy of Antalya, Turkey and Barleti University 2013
- Partnership Agreement - Technological Educational Institute of Epirus with Barleti University 2014
- Application protocol for cultural-scientific cooperation between the Department of Law of Roma Tre University and the Faculty of Law of Barleti University 2014
- University Cooperation Agreement between Barleti University and Salento University 2015
- Academic Cooperation Agreement between the University of Genoa and "Barleti University" 2015
- Cooperation Agreement between Aldo Moro University of Bari and Barleti University
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Swiss School of Economics and Barleti University 2015
- University cooperation agreement between the Second University of Naples and "Barleti University" 2015
- International Convention on University Cooperation between Barleti University and the University of Salento 2015
- Agreement between the United Nationsfor Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and Barleti University (On the Establishment of a UNESCO Chair in Multiculturalism, Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights in the Balkans 2016
- Erasmus + Program - Capacity Building Project in the field of Higher Education - Partnership Agreement 2016
- Erasmus + Program - Jean Monnet
- Erasmus + Barleti program in collaboration with VIGO University, Spain
- Inter-Institutional Agreement 2014-2021 Erasmus + between the University of Genoa, Italy and Barleti University
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with Šiauliai University, Lithuania
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with De Córdoba University, Spain
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with Nova De Lisboa University, Portugal
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with South Bohemia University, Czech Republic
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with Szczecin University, Poland
- Erasmus + 2021-2024 Agreement with Kodolanyi Janos University, Budapest, Hungary