Basic research aims to improve theories and the understanding or prediction of phenomena in nature, society, the economy, etc. Driven by curiosity and the desire for new knowledge, basic research serves as the fuel for innovations in the applied sciences studied at UniBa.

The opposite of basic research, as another component of scientific research, is applied research, which aims to solve everyday problems, the results of which have an immediate and practical effect.

Basic research studies specific, individual, non-generalizable cases and experiences identified by academics or students, recognizing that variables are in constant and continuous change. In contrast, applied research seeks generalizations of concrete situations, assuming that the variables do not change.


Center for Research and Development

Prof. Dr. Aleksandër XHuvani

Vice Rector for Research and Development

Short academic biography

Contact: [email protected]

PhD. Kejda Nuhu

Coordinator for Research and Development

Short academic biography

Contact: [email protected]

The Process of Research, Development, and Innovation

Scientific research at UniBa develops its components as both basic and applied research through a contemporary structure as follows, where organizational units are organized in support of priority research and innovation fields, as an integral part of both types of scientific research.

As a widely corporation institution, UniBa has a broad institutional partnership. At the university level, it has cooperation agreements with the country's most prestigious universities, with the Universities of Clemson, Arkansas and South Carolina in the USA, Bari and Genoa in Italy, with the Vigo University in Spain and is on its way to signing other such agreements.

Most of these agreements were for the mobility of academic staff and students, for the exchange of school academic documentation, and talks and meetings are underway to build joint programs for next year.

Meanwhile, the institution makes extensive use of agreements signed with several ministries, the National Accounting Council, important units of public administration such as the Archive Directorate, the Albanian Copyright Office, law firms, important enterprises and businesses, banks, etc.

Projects of our institution have included the latter in important programs in the field of communication and new technologies, environmental protection, energy efficiency and related expertise, community school and implementation of new notions in school and community also in massive youth resuscitation programs and human rights and other strata in need and disability. In the framework of these programs, closer ties with business and civil society have been established. Many elements of these programs have become part of the new study programs proposed in all areas of the institution (ten professional programs and thirteen bachelor programs); the participation of UB as a nationally approved unit in the training and qualification of teachers at the national level is another innovation.

The institution cultivates its knowledge and their dissemination in a qualified scientific environment through the organization of international scientific conferences: "Good society - a multidimensional approach", "Balkan Sport - developments and perspectives", "Strategic relations between the Balkan countries - common values and Globalism”. The last two conferences organized at UniBa:

The first Inter-University Academic Conference, on the topic "Challenges of Higher Education and Applied Research in Albania". 19.11.2020

The Inter-University Scientific Conference "Opportunities and Challenges for a Sustainable Tourism Development” took place on 27.05.2021.

They have been serving as platforms to promote the creation of scholarly works by groups of co-authors within UniBa but also to become part of panels that also bring together researchers from other universities. Also, the academic staff participates in scientific conferences abroad and publish their work in scientific journals of the time with high impact factor.

Basic Scientific Research

Basic and applied research are not distinctly separated but are interconnected and support each other. Basic research forms the foundation for significant discoveries that drive and support the findings of applied research. Scientific research at UniBa develops its components, both basic and applied research, through a contemporary structure, as follows, where organizational units are organized in support of priority research and innovation fields, as an integral part of both types of scientific research.

Research and Innovation

Gathering information on how nature and people interact...

Knowledge transmission

Enriching our academic offerings year by year...

Technology transfer

Aiming for the knowledge produced to carry significant practical elements...

Responsible research

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) harmonizes research with social values...

Faculty of Economics, Governance and Law

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Faculty of Social Sciences, Tourism and Sports

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Faculty of Applied Sciences and Creative Industries

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Faculty of Medical Sciences

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Fields Of Research And Innovation

At UniBa, as a center not only for academics but also for scientific research, curiosity, creativity, and innovation are encouraged at multiple levels through its programs and structures.
Pillars of Basic Research at Barleti University (UniBa) According to Programs:

Productivity at UniBa is a key factor that fuels economic growth and well-being through wage levels. Empirical evidence and practical experiences of developing and developed economies prove the idea that competitiveness and productivity are inseparable and that competitiveness translates into growth and economic and social prosperity, entrepreneurship and innovation.

The relationship between tourism and supporting industries as well as the relationship between tourism and creative industries is well known and widely analyzed in the economic literature. What is less analyzed is the great potential of links and synergies between tourism, supporting industries and creative industries and how a cohesive policy approach will be developed in order to enable integration and convergence between these sectors.

At Barleti Group and Barleti University, the innovation program is an umbrella term for the programs and projects that UniBa and the affiliated institutes create, in order to convey innovations to organizations and build their innovation skills. UniBa's innovation program consists of a number of unique but crosscutting innovation initiatives, such as innovation labs, entrepreneurship programs, Centers of Excellence (CoE), accelerators and other centers.

Një objektiv thelbësor i perspektivës së "qyteteve të zgjuar" ka të bëjë me zhvillimin e komunitetit, duke kërkuar të fuqizojë individët dhe grupet lokale duke u siguruar atyre aftësi dhe informacion të nevojshëm për të ndikuar në ndryshimet në komunitetet e tyre dhe nxitur novatorizmin.Qyteti inteligjent eshte nje sipermarrje novatore qe siguron një ekuilibër midis faktorëve socialë, ekonomikë, mjedisorë, njerëzorë, kulturorë dhe teknologjikë.. Zhvillimi i komunitetit përfaqëson një proces ndryshimi, ku pjesëmarrja dhe veprimi kolektiv kanë një rëndësi thelbësore.

Based on the conceptual presentation of good governance and the rule of law as well as in full harmony with the corporate and administrative pillar of its activity, Barleti University aims the promotion of a program in the field of good governance and the rule of law. This program based on the best European and international practices will be a valuable contribution to the government and Albanian society as a whole, especially in terms of obtaining the statute of the EU candidate country. The UniBa Program of Good Governance and the Rule of Law includes research and studies on the political and social transformation of Albania.

In response to ensuring human capital development, Barleti Group and UniBA have established the AM-Barleti Human Capital initiative. This initiative is based on some core values such as: promoting international quality standards and best practices in the labor market, creating a dynamic and competitive environment. It aims to promote development at the individual, professional and community levels by focusing on employment, empowerment of human capital - support for entrepreneurship as well as matching skills with the talents and requirements of each employee and jobseeker.

The importance of preparing for a positive future arises from the way the academic world relates to the real practical demands of society and the individual. UniBa provides Programs with a concrete approach to individuals for each sector through theoretical and practical training. Creating an innovative approach in the field of health and sports by meeting the requirements of physical activity education aims to bring an integrated offer across the link chain between health, sports and physical education. The final achievement for a healthy society, necessarily comes from this journey of Barleti University, thanks to many undertaken initiatives.

Applied Research and Innovation

Applied and basic scientific research are cradles of innovation and in continuous symbiosis.
Tools and Initiatives for Applied Research:
Institutes and Centers

HUBs and LABs


In collaboration with experts from institutes and faculties, we support organizations and individuals in tackling the challenges of the digital transition across various sectors of life in the country.
  • Project Cycle Management
  • Applied Research and Development
  • Knowledge and Technology Transfer
  • Consulting and Advisory
  • Networking and Partnership
  • Capacity Building
  • Prototype Development and Testing
  • Commercialization


Barleti Group Consulting is a dynamic, multidisciplinary, and unconventional consulting company that operates through innovation, knowledge transfer, and the application of best regional and international practices and technologies.
  • Clustering and Ecosystem Empowerment
  • Management and Support for Research and Development
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Project Cycle Management
  • Prototype Building, Testing, and Commercialization
  • Knowledge and Technology Transfer
  • Financing and Innovative Startups
  • Capacity Building, Consulting, and Advisory


Basic research forms the foundations of discoveries that drive and support applied research findings and innovation.