Barleti University works as an academic system organized entirely on a recognized academic basis, according to the model expressed in the principles of the Bologna Declaration of the Ministers of Education of Europe. It consists of faculties and departments, research centers integrated at the faculties. It is led, organized and directed by bodies and authorities of the classical academic model, according to the law of higher education and perfectly combines authority with collegiality in decision-making and implementation, fully respecting the dignity and personality of the academic staff.
UniBa carries out an academic activity through lectures, seminars, teaching practices, based on contemporary scientific research in the institution, in the country and abroad, recommending a rich contemporary literature for study. The teaching method is interactive by appropriately combining the brief explanation of the basic theoretical principles with the activation of the students themselves, under the guidance of the lecturer.
The learning process is concrete with the use of case studies handled by students and is followed by course assignments that serve as the nucleus of a research education to acquire new knowledge through research work. Data processing with the most popular contemporary methods, help students understand the phenomena by creating scientific conviction through obtaining the results of experimental evidence and opinion polls. Many of the illustrations and problems that are elaborated by scientific knowledge come from the research work of the academic staff, the efforts for the design of development projects, the results of the implementation of projects in the local and regional community, and beyond.